Wisdom tooth extraction is extremely common nowadays, and many people choose to have their wisdom teeth extracted for various reasons. They essentially serve no purpose, and wisdom teeth removal helps patients whose teeth only function to cause pain in their mouths.
Many people considering scheduling an appointment for extraction wonder if their teeth will adjust to the newfound space and shift around in their mouths. Fortunately, your teeth stay in place, but clearing up a few misunderstandings can help ease your mind during and after your wisdom tooth operation.
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Why Do I Feel Like My Teeth Moved?
Wisdom tooth operations remove the molars in your lower and upper jaw. Typically, wisdom teeth grow between the ages of 17 and 25. There are many ways for your wisdom teeth to grow in, and some teeth grow partially or grow in fully, and they have little to no issues. Other times, your teeth grow in, and they bother you to the point where removal is necessary. The pain typically comes from the pressure the wisdom teeth place on the jaw and other teeth, causing misalignment issues within your mouth.
Many patients whose wisdom teeth are removed believe that their teeth have shifted and even feel a different sensation within their mouth. This sensation is not caused by shifting teeth but by a few common post-op feelings that come with the territory.
Teeth Returns to Its Original Place
It’s easy to forget that while the wisdom tooth was pushing itself through your jaw, your body may have become comfortable with the misaligned teeth. This sensation will slowly go away as you get further from the procedure. Technically your teeth have slightly adjusted! But it’s not that your teeth are shifting to accommodate the newfound space. They’re simply returning to their original area.
Released Pressure on Teeth
When you get a wisdom tooth removal, the pressure on your existing teeth is alleviated. Depending on the amount of stress placed on your jaw, your existing teeth realigning itself causes you to feel like your teeth are in an awkward position or feel like your teeth have moved. The pressure from wisdom teeth can cause you to feel different sensations when eating, drinking, or even talking. So using your mouth without the pressure of wisdom teeth might cause you to feel like your teeth have moved.
Length of Recovery Time
Patients report dental issues right after their surgery, but it’s important to wait through the entire recovery process before declaring that your teeth have shifted. It takes about two weeks for most patients to recover, but depending on a few factors — like your age, pain tolerance, and how severe your operation was — you might take a shorter or longer recovery time.
Signs of Teeth or Jaw Problems Post Surgery
While wisdom tooth operations usually go well for most, there are a few signs to not of tooth or jaw problems after your surgery. If any of these signs last past the recovery time, it’s important to reach out to dental services to help diagnose the cause.
Pain in your face
Pain in teeth
Pain around ears
Jaw pain
Popping or clicking in your jaw
Misaligned bite
Pain or swelling of the gums
Alleviate Your Wisdom Teeth Pain
Bloom Dental of Arlington can help prevent teeth problems and ensure you have a strong and healthy mouth. Reach out to us today if you’re having problems with your teeth and need tooth extraction services or for more information on other offerings like our dental cleaning services. Our oral surgeons will work carefully to help alleviate your pain and bring out that beautiful smile.