My Crown Fell Out, But It Doesn’t Hurt: All you need to know
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My Crown Fell Out, But It Doesn’t Hurt: All you need to know

January 25, 2025

My crown fell out, but it doesn’t hurt.” If you find yourself in this situation, do not worry. You are not alone. While dental crowns are reliable and a great way to treat damaged teeth, they can sometimes fall out. If you are not experiencing pain, it can be confusing whether you should be concerned. No pain is a good sign, but it does not mean you can leave your tooth as is. To prevent further complications and help you navigate crowns that fall out, let’s look at why crowns fall out and what you should do about them. 

Why Do Crowns Fall Out?

Dental crowns can fall out for many reasons even if your dentist is the best and you took care of your crown. The biggest culprits are time and the wear and tear that come from being a tooth. Our teeth experience a lot of activity, from hot foods to sticky candies. 

All this contributes to weakening the bond between the crown and the tooth. 

Poor oral hygiene is another common reason crowns fall out. If there is increased tooth decay under the crown, it wears away at the crown bonding and destabilizes the tooth cap. 

Another major culprit is a poorly fitting crown. If the crown does not fit snugly, it will likely come off from general wear and tear.

What to Do if My Crown Fell Out, But It Doesn’t Hurt

When a crown falls out, most people experience pain alongside the crown loss. This is mainly because handling a loose dental crown exposes the damaged tooth to the environment. 

But if your crown fell out and you do not feel any pain, does that mean everything is okay? Unfortunately, no. 

Even if your crown does not hurt, you still need to see a dentist if it falls out. The underlying tooth was fitted with a crown for a reason, and leaving the tooth unsupported can lead to further damage.  In this situation, see the crown and examine the tooth area for immediate concerns. If all looks well, book an appointment with your dentist ASAP. Until then, make sure not to skip your regular oral hygiene. 

Risks of Avoiding Emergency Dental Treatment

Do not ignore a fallen crown just because there is no immediate pain. Doing this can have serious consequences for your oral health, including tooth decay, infection, and severe structural damage.  Leaving your damaged tooth exposed can also lead to gum issues like inflammation and gum disease. 


Dental crowns provide structure and support to damaged teeth but can fall out for various reasons. “My crown fell out, but it doesn’t hurt.” Even without pain, leaving the issue untreated can lead to infection, decay, and gum issues.  No matter the circumstance, always contact your dentist if your crown falls out.  Who should call? Invest in your smile with the best dentistry in Arlington with Bloom Dental. Book an appointment today.